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D'zia's Dilemma Page 17
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Page 17
He pulled out, grasped her around her waist, and flipped her over onto her stomach. With his sizeable hands, he pulled her up on her hands and knees.
Narrow-eyed, she gazed over her shoulder, surprised at how quickly she’d ended up in the position. Not that she minded…doggy style was one of her favorites.
“Now, my beautiful female, we will finish this.” His proclamation was hoarse as he fisted his darkened dick.
Her breath caught as he prowled closer, his deep dimples peeking out with the salacious smile he aimed her way. Her empty pussy pulsated as she waited for him.
Once he settled at the juncture of her thighs, the head of his cock slipped through the folds of her opening with ease. He grabbed her hips and with one swift thrust, impaled her. He gave a loud growl as his hard length burrowed in before he pulled back to begin steady strokes that scraped over her sensitive nerves.
A happy moan gurgled out of her throat as his fullness throbbed with each movement. He kept his hands at her hips, holding her in place as her pussy squeezed and sucked with each back and forth motion. All too soon, her body recognized the upcoming pleasure and chased the promise of completion.
He stroked harder and deeper; the slap of flesh against wet flesh echoed as she grabbed whatever was left of the crumpled bed covering for support. Her climax threatened to take over. She wildly remembered his command that she not release, so she struggled to tighten her body and stop the sought-after reward. She moaned at the delay and clutched the bed covering tighter.
“Do you want to come, sweet one?”
His voice quivered when he spoke, making her glad he was as affected by their lovemaking as she was. It was hard for her to find her voice. She raised her head a fraction and nodded. “Yes, please…please, D’zia.”
He grunted his approval. “That is good, my love. You deserve your reward.” He kept one hand firmly on the bed for traction as his slick torso covered her back. His hips kept a furious back-and-forth pace. With one arm wrapped around her waist, he reached under her to flick her exposed clit with a finger…hard.
Lightning struck as her release devastated her. She collapsed in a pathetic heap with her mouth smooshed on the bed and her eyes closed. The hard mattress muffled her cry of joy, too drained to fully appreciate his frantic pace inside her.
One…two…three hard thrusts before D’zia shot his hot seed.
His never-ending throb gave Lora a mini orgasm of her own.
He continued to spurt for the next few heartbeats as he gripped her waist firmly.
She lay on her chest with her head turned to the side to breathe.
Both depleted, they dropped simultaneously on the soaked sheets. He kept them connected as he rolled them onto their side to curl her into a firm spoon hold.
She appreciated his support as her heart thundered in her ears and she clutched the arm he’d wrapped around her waist for support.
He pulled her close to his slick, hard chest as his warm voice whispered in her ear. “Are you all right? I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
Warmth spread through her body. Was there anything better than a man who snuggled after a sweaty bout of mind-blowing sex and worried he’d been too rough? If so, she’d argue about it later. All she wanted to do was blob where she was.
“I’m great,” she reassured him. “No, wait…I’m more than great. I’m fantastic…I’m wonderful…I’m stupendous…I’m…” She glanced at D’zia behind her, then barked a shout of laughter at the smirk on his face. “Right now it looks like I’m feeding your gigantic ego, so I’ll just keep my mouth shut.”
He hugged her closer and nipped at the tip of her ear. “Now, now…since when is stating the truth the wrong thing to do?” He draped a large thigh over hers before he twined his other leg between. In this position, her feminine petals unfurled, opened, and caused cool air to hit her awakening clit. She caught her breath at the sensation.
He slid his warm palm toward her breast.
“Stop that!” She gave a teasing pinch to the flesh across the back of his hand as a warning. His cock twitched inside her—as if she needed a reminder he was still there.
“Stop what?” He mouthed down her neck as his wandering hand found the small nest of curls above her slit. “I’m not doing anything…”
“Yo…bro! Dude, company’s coming!”
It took a few moments for JR10’s low voice to penetrate the sensual fog clouding Lora as she wiggled her bottom against D’zia’s groin. The slight movements made his cock scrape the nerves inside. She wanted to squirm deeper, but the noise the little AI made cleared her befuddled mind.
“Um, yes, that’s nice.” D’zia evidently hadn’t heard the bot. He kept up his exploratory assault on her skin with his hands and his mouth while his hips pumped a slow rhythm inside.
“D’zia!” Lora pulled at his hand circling around her clit as he spread her slick moisture. “Did you hear what JR10 said? Someone’s coming!”
“Yes, you’ll be coming very soon, my love.” D’zia’s voice was thick and the words came out muffled around the lick he gave to the nape of her neck.
Her body shivered. Trust him to find one of her more sensitive areas. Chill bumps rose up her arms and down her spine. “No, you big oaf!” Lora pushed on his hand before his fingers found the swollen nub. If he touched her there, she wouldn’t give a crap who was around. “We’re in a prison cell, remember?”
Faster than she’d seen anyone move, he was out of her and off the sleeping pad. When she rolled over to watch, he’d already pulled on his pants.
Speaking of pants, where were her clothes? Last thing she remembered, she’d been dressed when she’d lain down next to him on the floor. She sat up and spied the black jumpsuit at the foot of the bed. Hopping off the bed, she bent down and grabbed it.
A strangled moan came from D’zia who was standing still as a marble statue. He licked his full bottom lip with his eyes glued to her naked ass.
Damn, she must have given him a good show when she’d bent over. Her face burned as she waggled a stern finger his way. “Hey, buddy! Time to focus here.”
“I was focused.” His expression dulled like a little boy who’d had his favorite treat taken away.
“Brat,” she chided and went over to give him a hug. “Let’s get out of this stupid mess we seem to be in and we’ll play all you want.” She gave him a sultry invitation from under her lashes. “I have so many things I’d like to do with you…to you.” Lora had always been comfortable with her sexuality and couldn’t wait to explore her new life as his TrueBond. She counted on the natural process to have paired her with a like-minded individual.
Glancing down at his crotch, she wasn’t disappointed. The bulging tent in his dark pants told her he was more than eager to for her. She gave him an once-over before bestowing him with a wide, enticing smile. His narrowed-eyed expression had a dash of dominant warning. Her body quivered in excited response.
Oh yeah, life was gonna be good…once they got out of there.
Chapter Eight
The enticing scent of feminine fear finally settled the anxiety that threatened to choke Chancellor U’unk. His fingers flexed as he allowed the hot, thick blood to squish between his digits before he licked the light splatter away from his lips. He swallowed the vinegary taste of her blood as he considered being more careful with his latest toy. After all, he was not done with her…yet.
He savored the dark, flayed back of the Runihura female chained against the stones of the chamber wall. Her arms and legs were held tight in an “x,” and the side of her face was kept in place against the cutting rock. Low shuddering sobs broke through her clenched lips. Her naked body shivered in the chilled air, or it could be she enjoyed his undivided attention. Either way, he took in a deep breath to appreciate the moment.
U’unk transferred the single tail whip with its barbed knot from his dominant hand to the other as he pushed her loose platinum hair over her shoulder
to run a palm down her flayed back. Her silver blood welled and dripped from the stripes crisscrossing the midnight of her skin. The pattern continued across her buttocks, crossing the firm flesh of her upper thighs.
His hard-on swelled with enthusiasm. He’d give her couple more whacks of his favorite tool across the unmarked skin of her sex before…
“I beg your forgiveness, Eminence, for this interruption. But you commanded I tell you immediately if anything pertains to the status on Naraka.” Fritjof dared to prostrate himself right outside the door to the private playroom chamber.
The constant interruptions were becoming more than tiresome. It took every ounce of U’unk’s self-restraint not to lash out at the impertinence. “Indeed?” He walked over to the podium across the room to wash the female’s bright blood off his hands. “And what is so important you have the nerve to disturb me here?” He viewed his equerry and allowed distaste to color his expression. He dried his hands before he tossed the rag on the floor.
“Eminence, please…I beg you…forgive me.” The Erkek’s irritating whine was expected. “But there has been an unfortunate situation at the base.”
U’unk frowned as he crossed his arms across his naked chest and glowered at the simpering idiot cowering at the doorway. “Stand up and give your report. I can’t understand what you are saying with your lips muffled against the floor.”
The shorter Erkek stood with his bald khaki head bowed and his hands folded in respect. “Yes, Eminence. Thank you, Eminence.” He lifted his head, his orange diamond-shaped pupils expanding in the sea of black. “The squadron leader of the Naraka base says they’ve been under attack, with more than half of the buildings destroyed and twenty of the 10-15’s stolen.” His slight body shivered.
U’unk frowned as ice-cold fury held him in place. “How did this happen?”
Fritjof wrung his hands in agitation. “I do not know Eminence, but the leader is waiting to speak to you at your earliest convenience. Would you like me to stream his communication here?”
“No. Send it up to my private office. I will be there momentarily.” U’unk eyed his prize toy again and regretted the need to leave. “Have her cleaned up and given something to revive her.” He gestured toward the now-unconscious female as she dangled from her chains. When she slumped, her matted platinum hair resumed its place over her shredded back. It covered the dimples at the top of her nicely rounded ass cheeks, and the contrast between her midnight skin and bright hair had him appreciating her one last time before he left.
As he strode into his office his mind played several scenarios at what the interruption could mean. Passing through the threshold, he tore off his bloody pants and with casual indifference tossed them on a nearby couch. Next to his desk, he grabbed a warming towel and activated its cleansing properties. He swiped it across his blood-soaked chest before wrapping it around his trim hips. He sat with a heavy thud in the massive chair made specifically for his large frame.
“Report, Captain Vlugugu.” U’unk blinked open the virtual room conference. A hard thread of disapproval leaked through to his voice as his eyes bore into the subordinate Erkek.
The male’s lifelike visage showed he was under complete duress. His face bled from several scratches. Pink and purple bruising bloomed across various parts of his face, as he stood covered in soot and mud. “Chancellor U’unk.” A small, respectful bow. “I regret to report we’ve suffered a surprise attack by some unknown forces.” He flinched when a loud explosion blasted behind him. “We have lost over 60% of the compound and 20% of our fleet.”
Anger, hot and tense, anchored U’unk. His next words were hard and unemotional, spoken through stiff lips. “And what is the status of the MindWipe?”
The Erkek’s gaze darted around as milk-white sweat beaded the bald dome of his splotched khaki head. “Chancellor…Sire…the MindWipe weapon is intact and within our possession.”
A small part of U’unk’s chest loosened. He frowned at the incompetent alien because the noxious slug either lied to him or was about to. “Why do I get the impression there is more to this story than what you are telling me.” He made a steeple with his fingers in front of his mouth as he glowered at the shaken male. “And may I remind you, Vlugugu, it would not be in your best interest to either lie to me or leave anything out.” He allowed a small, lipless smile to cross his mouth. “You know I will discover whatever you try to cover up.”
The fear on the Erkek’s blanched face reassured U’unk that the truth would tumble out of the alien captain. “No…I mean yes, sire.” Vlugugu bowed before he continued. Smoke wafted around the male as he waved the two pincers of his hand and coughed before he spoke. The communications area must have taken damage for his image to bring it into the virtual room. “We do have the weapon, sire, but we’ve seemed to have…uh…lost the 11-15 that we need to carry it to Earth.”
“Do I understand you correctly, Captain? You’ve lost the only sentient vessel capable of remaining undetected by the Federation Consortium forces?” He kept his voice low, just loud enough to make the other male strain to hear him. “The same vessel slated as a key component in our preliminary plans for a complete takeover of the primitive planet Earth?”
At Vlugugu’s nod of agreement, U’unk continued. “Did you activate the AI within the vessel?”
Vlugugu shook his head. “No, sire. We had not activated the intelligence program and the ship will only serve as a newer version of a 10-15. It will not be any better than one of those mindless machines.”
U’unk sat back as he kept his fingers pressed together under his chin. “Have you initiated its self-destruct mode?” Better to destroy the machine instead of letting it fall into enemy or Consortium hands.
The homely alien’s pincers clicked, which revealed his unease at the conversation. “We tried, sire. But, the detonator is either malfunctioning or something on the ship is. Not only were we unable to destroy it, but somehow the tracking system became offline. The ship has disappeared and we have no way to trace it.”
So, another ship had vanished without a means to trace it. U’unk did not believe in coincidences.
“Tell me who attacked the base you assured me was secret.” U’unk made the captain aware he held him accountable for today’s fiasco.
The Erkek’s demeanor became more subservient and his ashy skin turned a shade paler. “I do not know, sire,” he lamented in a whiny tone. “They hit us all at once, without warning. As far as we can determine, their goal was to cause mass destruction to our outpost and steal as many 10-15’s they could get their hands on. They did not suffer any casualties and we have no vid recording of the assault to give us a clue to their identity.”
U’unk’ deepened his frown. Incompetent fools. “Have you no useful information for me, Captain?”
“No…no indeed not, sire!” With frantic gestures, Vlugugu motioned to someone outside the virtual view. He grabbed a piece of cloth, no bigger than a tunic sleeve. “We have confiscated this.” He held up a symbol embedded within the fabric of the cloth.
U’unk adjusted the controls in the ODVU in his eye to magnify the object. Disbelief at the symbol had him confused. What was the Alliance of Assassins doing on Naraka? They had no business being there. Decades prior, he’d made an uneasy agreement with them. Why would they jeopardize that now?
Because of the latest development, he must consider keeping a tighter leash on Vlugugu. U’unk unclenched his jaw to make sure the Erkek heard him. “Captain Vlugugu, I want a complete status report and a viable working plan to get the base back to running at full capacity.” He narrowed his eyes at the virtual image. “And I want that report in my office within the next twelve macroclicks.”
“But sire, that isn’t enough time to…”
“I can always change the order to have you personally bring it to me here at the palace if you prefer.”
“No…no sire! No need for that!” The Erkek swallowed. “I will have the report to your office in record time.
“You also need to include how you are going to have the MindWipe delivered now that you’ve allowed the 11-15 to disappear.” U’unk sat back and crossed his right leg over his left knee. He cut the communication off.
“Fritjof,” he commanded without raising his voice. The simpering equerry was always within distance.
“Yes, Eminence? How may I serve?” Fritjof gave his customary bow before straightening.
“What is the status on the missing E’etu?”
“Eminence, good news there.” Fritjof gave a nasty smile. “He is currently in the custody of Dr. Knum’Nz on FiPan.”
U’unk raised an eyebrow in surprise. “Why was I not appraised of this development?”
“Dr. Knum’Nz’s communication came in as you were speaking with Captain Vlugugu.” Fritjof gave another subservient bow. “He has requested an audience with you and is now awaiting your convenience.”
With a negligent wave of his fingers, he gave his approval. “Patch him in.”
“Yes, Eminence. Right away, Eminence.” Fritjof gave another bow and left. The large doors to U’unk’s personal office closed, leaving him blissfully alone.
A short beep on the OVDU sounded and he blinked open the line of communication and entered the virtual room. Dr. Knum’Nz was there waiting for him, pacing. The double-jointed walk was sporadic, showing his impatience.
Dealing with this subordinate was fast becoming tedious. “Yes, Doctor. I believe you have some news for me?”
“I have your precious Zerin here in my lab.” The smirk on the Erkek’s face had U’unk narrowing his gaze. The fool either didn’t notice or didn’t care U’unk was fast losing patience with him.
“I know you want him shipped back to your palace, but I respectfully request to keep him here so I may run some...uh…tests on him.”
That gave U’unk pause. This might be interesting. “To what purpose?”